INFOSTAT, Institute of Informatics and Statistics
Leškova 16, 817 95 Bratislava 15
Phone: +421 2 59379 301
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HomeThe Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act

Institute of Informatics and Statistics is the person liable in accordance with § 2. 2 of Act no. 211/2000 Coll. on free access to information and amending certain acts as amended.

Information Act – procedure for disclosure of information pursuant to the Act No. 211/2000 Coll., methods of submitting a form for information access, scales of payment.

Request for disclosure of information may be submitted as follows:

  • writing by mail to the mailing address Infostat
  • personal delivery to the Central Secretariat (registry) working days
  • personal filing with the coordinator of the working days between 10.00 to 12.00 hrs. -
  • electronically (e-mail) to the contact person / persons. When applying electronically recommend using both e-mail addresses.

The application is to be submitted on the form (written and electronic submissions)

Contact point :
Leškova 16
817 95 Bratislava 15

Contact person:
Ing. Dagmar Špotáková 
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Mária Kozárová –deputy coordinator in case of absence, the central secretariat
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