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seemig logo color  International project SEEMIG – Managing Migration and its Effects in SEE – Transnational Actions Towards Evidence Based Strategies,
Lead Partner Hungarian Central Statistical Office, 2012-2014

Short project description:
The main objective of the project was to better understand and address the longer term migratory, human capital and demographic processes of the SEE area, as well as their effects on labour markets and national/regional economies in order to enable public administrations to develop and implement policies and strategies by using enhanced datasets and empirical evidence.
To achieve this aim, SEEMIG had 3 specific objectives:
1. Compile datasets on longer term processes to serve as bases for reliable, predictive analyses of major processes of migration, and human capital. The aim was not only to build statistical databases and enhance data collection, but to involve local, regional administrations to supply, improve and use available data themselves.
2. Develop scenarios to predict demographic, migratory and labour market processes which are crucial for designing effective national/local/regional strategies aimed at tackling future population and labour force in- and outflows.
3. Build capacities of local and regional authorities to better collect and utilize statistical data, and foster a balanced two-way cooperation of these authorities and think tanks/research institutes to facilitate effective, evidence based policy planning and implementation.
More information can be found on:

Previous international projects

Work-life Balance Policy in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Lead partner Poznan University of Economics, 2009.
Childbearing Trends and Policies. Lead partner MPIDR Rostock, 2006-2007.
Population and Family Trends in Europe. Lead partner University of Economics Prague, 2005.
Comparison of Population Projections in France, Hungary and Slovakia. Lead partner INSEE Paris, 2002-2003