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Latest prediction

predikciaShort-term prediction
of Slovak economic
development in 2023

version 11/2023
(in Slovak)
(PDF, 3.8 MB)

What´s new


Annual report 2020
(in Slovak)

(PDF, 1.50MB)

YOUMIG project

logo na web YoumigIn transnational European project YOUMIG, 19 partners from 8 countries work together to support local governments in managing the challenges caused by youth migration in the Danube area. ...
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youmig 7localanalysis


While migration among, from, to and across the countries of the Danube Basin is intensifying, there has been little research in interpreting these processes with a focus on age. Most migrants are young (aged 15-34), and their migratory behaviour is closely linked to transitions in their life course: pursuing higher education, joining the workforce or starting a family. These events are not only potential drivers of migration, but also possible challenges or opportunities for cities and local institutions. The age component, together with the focus on local services, gives a unique character to research undertaken in the YOUMIG project. Read more ... YOUMIG - YOUTH MIGRATION: 7 LOCAL STATUS QUO ANALYSES

studenti2Youth migration in Slovakia. Expert lectures at the Comenius university in Bratislava.

On December 13 and 14, 2017 Branislav Šprocha and Branislav Bleha lectured at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Comenius University in Bratislava about youth migration in Slovakia in the national and local context. The lectures were related to the ongoing YOUMIG project in the Danube Transnational Program. Read more ...

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Education and training

The training course on "Basics of statistical analysis and forecasting" is designed for people interested in the analysis of economic data and forecasting. The graduate of the course will acquire theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of statistics /analytics and forecasting. Send your application to


ELIS-CD-200x135Electronic information service

An online service through which Infostat provides a selection of statistical data from business registers, the census and housing and other databases. Selection of data from databases you can order at


inforeg-mapa-200x135Information system to support the development of Slovak regions - Inforeg

Provides information on socio-economic aspects and activities of the different stake holders at all levels of regional development. The information system is organized in a logical structure in a data warehouse and i tis categorized by content. Summary reports according to indicators such as basic characteristics of Slovak regions, macroeconomic development in Slovakia, construction developments in the Slovak Republic, housing and state development territorial planning documentation of municipalities and other information about the project can be found at:

vekova-pyramida-200x135Demographic data

Did you know that:
Life expectancy at birth in Slovakia for 2014 is 73.19 years for males and 80.00 years for females?

Data service of Demographic Research Centre at INFOSTAT provides specialized demographic information following data of Statistical Office of the SR. It means an overview of basic demographic data and indicators in a historical context since 1950, detailed annual data about population change beginning from the year 1996, life tables and demographic projections at national and regional levels. Data are published on the domain