INFOSTAT, Institute of Informatics and Statistics
Leškova 16, 817 95 Bratislava 15
Phone: +421 2 59379 301
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INFOREG – Information system for the support and development of regions in SR

Inforegis an information system designed and implemented by INFOSTAT in 2009. INFOREG is for the past several years supported and updated by the Institute and is being used by the Ministry of transport and regional development. The aim of the project is to gain and expand new knowledge concerning socio / economic phenomena in specific regions and, based on this knowledge, evaluate and guide actions of regional stake holders so the measures undertaken by them would benefit regional development to the highest possible level. The project design and implementation required a new data warehouse (DW) and a new application for processing, actualization, verification, analysis and distribution of all collected data/information. In the first phase all macroeconomic data, regional characteristics, demographic information and territorial planning documents were collected and placed in the DW.  
The users, depending upon the type of access granted, have the opportunity to download sets of information from the DW in electronic form. This way the user gains an opportunity to do further processing and analyses using comparative methods over time and across all varieties of information.

Inforeg-ECThe best known and most used segments of INFOREG, is the module/information system used for energy certificate of buildings at a nationwide level. The information system provides access to licensed experts who can update the stored data and are allowed to enter new data concerning the certified buildings on/line. The last time the entire system was upgraded was in 2013 and it enabled the production of more than 63 000 energy certificates. Read more at:

Statistical Information System MOŠ/MIS

MOSMISThe applications City and Town Statistics (MOŠ) and The Municipal Information System (MIS) both serve as a systems for data collection from cities and municipalities throughout Slovakia. The data is subsequently being provided to the Statistical Office of Slovak Republic for further processing. The basis unit for data collection in the above mentioned system is the municipality, the next higher units are the districts and the counties, follow by the regional and the country levels. For every territorial unit a specific set of information is monitored. The capital of Slovakia Bratislava and Kosice are also awarded a specific set of data.

Both databases are updated on annual basis since 1996, but the fist – pilot stage – of data collection was realized already in 1993.
Read more at: Mestská a obecná štatistika

Electronic Information Service - ELIS

The distribution of statistical data to the general public, as well as to private and public institutions is a service provided by the institute for more than two decades. INFOSTAT extracts and provides up on request data sets from the register of organizations, from the MOŠ/MIS databases as well as from the most recent censuses. Among the most frequently requested are data sets from the Register of Economic Subjects (RES SR). The RES SR incorporates data about physical and legal persons and NGOs. The database contains data about some 759 000 subjects and is being updated on monthly basis.

Forms of data provided:


Structured Data
For instance all data from the entire database of RES SR.

For instance it could be a list of subjects selected according to permanent residence in a certain region, or according to SK NACE codes, etc....


Statistical Surveys
For instance figures with aggregate data for an election period, divided by regions, core business activities, or by legal form of selected entities ...



E/mail and phone contacts

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone:  +421 2 59 379 231